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Intelligent skincare has arrived with Neora’s Age IQ® Night Cream and Age IQ® Day Cream — the ultimate combo for combating aging around the clock. This pairing allows you to experience all the benefits of both products in one purchase!
Experience Neora’s night and day difference with this ultimate skincare duo, designed to effectively combat aging around the clock.有什么特点?:
以新的智慧方式对抗衰老并增强您的护肤效果! SIG-1273 精华——配方中的含有5倍活性浓度专利抗衰老分子 SIG-1273,可提供明显的效果——而且更快。 SIG-1273精华能在细胞水平与皮肤结合,防止胶原蛋白随时间流失(随着年龄的增长自然发生),同时提供更高水平的抗氧化物以减少细纹和皱纹的出现。还能提供自然焕发的光泽,让肌肤在几天内看起来更紧致、更明亮的效果——就从每一次使用开始。
• 由细胞水平开始促进皮肤健康
• 防止胶原蛋白随时间流失
• 有助减少细纹和皱纹的出现
• 有助减少泛红
• 有助缩小毛孔
• 滋润肌肤,散发自然光彩
• 改善整体皮肤健康
SIG-1273 精华能令肌肤散发自然光泽,在几天内肌肤看起来更紧致、更明亮——坚持使用效果更佳。有什么特点?:
Experience Neora’s night and day difference with this ultimate skincare duo, designed to effectively combat aging around the clock. This advanced, lightweight cleanser combines the distinct properties of oil with the fresh feeling of a light foam. When applied to dry skin, it removes oil-based impurities and makeup and then, with the addition of water, transforms into a soft, milky lather for deep down cleansing.
Neora Age-Defying Night Cream and Day Cream address both the existing and future signs of aging, resulting in more youthful-looking skin.有什么特点?:
Tired of being let down by “fast-acting” diets that never seem to deliver? Protein is your one-two punch solution. Not only does it keep ghrelin, “the hunger hormone” at bay, but it also keeps you feeling fuller, for longer, after meals and throughout the day.
With 20 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbs and 120 calories, Neora's new Plant-Based Protein Powder is a nutrient-rich powerhouse designed to:
- Satisfy hunger
- Support and preserve muscle recovery
- Preserve muscle mass and bone density
- Rev metabolism
- Boost energy
- Support overall good health and well-being
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. When used in conjunction with a calorie-controlled diet and exercise program. Individual results may vary.
Formulated with protein from a variety of high-quality plant-based sources, it contains all of the essential amino acids, as well as calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium, to help keep you humming all day long.健康产品
Tired of being let down by “fast-acting” diets that never seem to deliver? Protein is your one-two punch solution. Not only does it keep ghrelin, “the hunger hormone” at bay, but it also keeps you feeling fuller, for longer, after meals and throughout the day.
With 20 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbs and 120 calories, Neora's new Plant-Based Protein Powder is a nutrient-rich powerhouse designed to:
- Satisfy hunger
- Support and preserve muscle recovery
- Preserve muscle mass and bone density
- Rev metabolism
- Boost energy
- Support overall good health and well-being
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. When used in conjunction with a calorie-controlled diet and exercise program. Individual results may vary.
Formulated with protein from a variety of high-quality plant-based sources, it contains all of the essential amino acids, as well as calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium, to help keep you humming all day long.有什么特点?:
使用我们的 Slim + Skin 胶原蛋白粉中的双重胶原蛋白,从内到外支持更美丽的头发、皮肤和指甲。 两种纯净可持续的海洋胶原蛋白混合物有助于增加皮肤的滋润度、紧致度和亮泽度,同时帮助头发看起来更丰盈,指甲看起来更健康。*将这种易溶解的粉末混合到您的早晨咖啡、茶或果汁中来开始新的一天,支持脂肪褐变和健康的新陈代谢,提升能量和注意力,支持胶原蛋白生成,让任何年龄的头发、皮肤和指甲都变得美丽。
并非所有的胶原蛋白来源都是一样的。 使用 NeoraFit Slim + Skin 胶原蛋白粉中的纯净、可持续来源的海洋胶原蛋白,让头发、皮肤和指甲由内而外保持健康、强壮和美丽。
你知道肠道健康会影响你身体的一切吗? 胃肠系统是摄取和处理营养物质的主要“门户”,但它也是一个沟通中心和疾病斗士。 从您的神经和免疫系统到您的心理健康和消化功能,健康的肠道在您的整体健康中发挥着关键作用。 午餐前服用这款美味的柠檬味益生粉可减少腹胀感、有助消化、帮助抑制食欲、支持您的免疫系统等,让您保持强壮。
因为肠道与我们健康的许多其他元素建立了如此紧密的联系,所以保持肠道健康很重要。 每日剂量的 NeoraFit Block + Balance 健衡益生粉可保持您的肠道微生态平衡,因此它可以为您的整个身体提供所需的支持,使其在最佳状态下发挥作用。有什么特点?:
我们全新的 Energy+ 能量软糖可能感觉像是一种放纵的享受,但它具有强大的效果 - 能够即时提升能量并助您集中精力度过每一天,以及提供压力和体重管理支持等长期益处。 我们独有的 Circadiplex™ 混合物可平衡您的昼夜节律(对健康的睡眠、饮食习惯和消化至关重要——谁知道呢?)而且,我们最新的配方可有助抑制食欲,支持新陈代谢和脂肪褐变,助您达成健康和健身目标。*
- 助你的能量自然、逐渐地增强*
- 提供即时,长效的警觉性*
- 维持情绪放松,平静*
- 助你身体消除压力所带来的负面情绪*
- 维持正常水平的皮革醇,平衡你的昼夜交替的节奏*
- 搭配甜睡软糖一同服用,效果更佳
Neora的能量软糖和甜睡软糖协同工作,可助你平衡昼夜交替的节奏*。能量软糖可提供即时和长效的功效,在需要时即时为你增加能量,使你白天保持最佳状态。甜睡软糖可助减少入睡所需的时间并确保你的睡眠质量,从而解决偶尔的失眠,使你在醒来时保持头脑清醒。 * 长期服用,使你改善你的精神和睡眠质量,助你平衡昼夜交替的节奏*。
Neora能量软糖可助你平衡昼夜交替的节奏,犹如你体内睡眠清醒周期调控的生理时钟,因此,可使你白天保持最佳状态。* 在需要时即时为你增加能量,随着时间推移,每天服用,可帮助你维持平衡,助你持续改善健康,维持更健康的水准。*
Hair Care
Neora’s nutrient-dense ProLuxe Rebalancing Conditioner is a professional-grade daily conditioner formulated to help restore your hair’s soft, smooth, radiant appearance and youthful feel and movement.
Neora’s nutrient-dense ProLuxe Rebalancing Conditioner is a professional-grade daily conditioner formulated to help restore your hair’s soft, smooth, radiant appearance and youthful feel and movement.有什么特点?:
The protein-rich ProLuxe™ Rebalancing Shampoo and nutrient-dense Rebalancing Conditioner work to restore your hair’s soft, smooth, radiant appearance and youthful feel and movement. The rebalancing formulas cleanse and strengthen while helping both oily and dry scalps balance to the right level of moisturization.
The protein-rich ProLuxe™ Rebalancing Shampoo and nutrient-dense Rebalancing Conditioner work to restore your hair’s soft, smooth, radiant appearance and youthful feel and movement. The rebalancing formulas cleanse and strengthen while helping both oily and dry scalps balance to the right level of moisturization.有什么特点?:
Fight the signs of aging, damaged hair with this intensive, once-a-week treatment formulated to intuitively seek, find and repair almost every type of damage done to the hair shaft. Exclusive ingredients penetrate deep into the hair fiber to repair damaged hair by bonding together broken strands for a long-lasting effect.有什么特点?:
This state-of-the-art, daily, leave-in treatment works to create the ideal environment for producing the appearance of stronger, thicker, younger-looking hair – including working to restore natural hair pigment, so you see less grey hair!