
Tips and Tricks to Feel and Look Your Best this Summer

August 5, 2021  Maxie Haase Avatar
Tips and Tricks to Feel and Look Your Best this Summer

Water, Water and MORE Water

Our bodies are composed of 60% water; that’s right—60%! With temperatures rising and outdoor activities becoming more frequent, it is essential to have at least eight cups of water daily. Want an easy way to guarantee a healthy water intake? Buy yourself a cute water bottle that you can take everywhere and set goals on how many times you want to refill it daily.

Eat to Fuel Your Body

Nutrition is so important for performance and the amount of information you find online regarding diets/meal plans can be overwhelming. My rule of thumb is to eat nutrient dense meals that are colorful, well balanced and contain protein. If you are always on the go like me, consider prepping your lunches ahead of time so you feel ready for the day and avoid skipping a meal or choosing something that won’t fill you up. 

Schedule Your Workouts AHEAD of Time

Movement is medicine, but sometimes life gets in the way and physical activity is placed on the back burner. An easy way to make sure you don’t skip your workouts is to schedule them like an appointment in your calendar. This tool allows you to make yourself a priority and ensures your body gets the love it deserves!

Recovery is a Must

Did you know recovery is the number one most important aspect of any training program? Our bodies need time to recharge and replenish before returning to any fitness routine. Just like your workouts, schedule recovery days into your week and use those days to nourish your body. A few of my favorite ways to recover include:

  • Stretching or foam rolling
  • Getting as much rest as you can (try a good sleep-in!)
  • Going on a neighborhood walk
  • Indulging in self care (i.e. massage, bath, etc.)

Reduce Your Stress

Last, but certainly not least, we must work to lower our stress levels. Stress is proven to weaken the immune system, cause high blood pressure, fatigue, depression, anxiety and even heart disease. It’s so important to learn how to manage stress levels so that we can feel our best and in turn, show up every day as the greatest version of who we are and who we want to become. Check out the tips below on how to reduce your stress. 

  • Exercise! It’s true; moving your body is a release.
  • Try journaling. Writing down how you feel can help promote clarification and mindfulness. 
  • Unwind every evening. Find a nightly routine that helps you unplug for the day and ease into sleep. 
  • Explore meditation. There are some amazing guided meditation applications that will help calm your mind and deepen your senses. 
  • Listen to music. Find or create a playlist that speaks to you and let the music do its job. 

Hopefully following these tips and tricks will allow you to feel and look your best this summer and all year long. Remember to be kind to yourself and take your time easing into any new routine. I hope everyone has the best summer yet!

Maxie Haase

Maxie Haase

NeoraFit Ambassador Maxie Haase is a Los Angeles based fitness instructor and personal trainer. She has been teaching at SoulCycle for almost three years and is also a virtual boxing coach. Maxie wants each of her students to feel challenged and accomplished after every session. She uses music to guide each workout and loves to move to the beat. Maxie believes everyone has an inner athlete and she strives to push her students to break through their limiting beliefs. You will leave class feeling energized and ready for the rest of your day. Maxie is excited to bring her knowledge and experience directly to you.



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    Lisa Theoharides 4 years ago

    Love these Tips!! Drinking more water 💦 daily by keeping my 24 oz bottle with me and having a goal to drink at least 3 a day.

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    Lora McNeff 4 years ago

    I have enjoyed implementing all of these tips into my daily life.

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    Melaine Stein 4 years ago

    These tips are great! I have a water bottle with markings that help me keep track of my water intake daily!

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