
Getting Your Body Back In Rhythm

January 5, 2023  Neora™ Avatar
Getting Your Body Back In Rhythm

The New Year marks a moment of hope—the year’s ultimate opportunity for optimism. And for many of us, that hope revolves around weight loss. We join new gyms, sign up for fitness classes, commit to diet plans, and yet, we rarely talk about one essential element of our physical health: Sleep! And so, we attempt to launch our new healthy lifestyle right after the holidays, a time when our sleep schedule has gone completely off the rails. But studies have shown that shut-eye is an important aspect of weight management. So to give yourself your best chance at success, it’s important to get your sleep cycle back on track.  

How Important Is Sleep To Weight Loss? 

There is much to be learned about the connection between sleep and weight loss, but there is no doubt that the link between the two is strong. One clinical trial indicated that sleep can affect the hormones associated with feelings of hunger and appetite, concluding that less sleep sent subjects reaching for more food, especially for high-carb, high-caloric ones. Another study noted that sleep deprivation and “circadian misalignment” could lead to further physical complications including metabolic disorders (we’re looking at you, diabetes). Researchers have also found that those who get 6 or fewer hours of sleep are more are risk of obesity. And naturally, more hours awake, means more hours in which to eat

Sleep Gives You Fuel To Fire On All Cylinders 

Whichever way you decide to get your body moving and burn calories—be it yoga, cycling or walking—you aren’t going to get very far if you can’t keep your eyes open. Energy will be even more important if you are pushing your body out of its usual bounds in order to lose weight. If your body isn’t getting the sleep it needs, it’s a good bet that you’ll find it harder to wake up for morning workouts or find yourself dragging later in the day and make excuses when you do have time for exercize. Not to mention, working out in an exhaustive state could be risky, leading to accidents and injuries that could put you on the sidelines. 

The Tools You Need To Get Back On Track 

So how can you get better sleep when everything has gone off kilter? We all know the best practices, such as turning off screens before climbing into bed and dropping your thermostat to a sleep-supporting cool temp (65 degrees is the common suggestion). And then there’s the biggie: Get on a regular sleep schedule. Easier said than done, right? Fortunately, Neora has two ways to help your Circadian rhythm fall into a steady beat. Our Wellness Chews come in a Sleep Formula, with melatonin and tryptophan to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep, and in an Energy Formula, fueled with green coffee bean extract to get your mind and metabolism revved in the morning.  

Giving yourself good sleep is a gift that will be rewarded tenfold. In addition to improving your chances of losing weight, you can also expect sleep to boost your mood. And our Wellness Chews deliver in that respect, too. Both formulas contain our exclusive Circadiplex Complex, a blend of ashwagandha root and leaf extract, gotu kola powder and reishi mushroom powder which boost the body’s ability to resist and recover from stress, while stimulating an overall feeling of balance and normalization.  

Just remember, weight loss isn’t just about reps, it’s also about rest.  



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    Dana Mays 2 years ago

    I need to get my rhythm back! Taking the Energy Chews and need to add in the Sleep!

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    Darci Bianchi 2 years ago

    Love this combo take them everyday!

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    Lisa Theoharides 2 years ago

    Love the hope the New Year brings! The holidays were awesome and it feels like everyone is ready to get back on track this week. Thank you for these tips! I love the new Energy chew flavor!!

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    Lisa Zolga 2 years ago

    I used to have to take Tylenol PM to fall asleep. Now, I simply enjoy a “Sleep Chew”. It is my late night treat! My husband grabs one each night, too!

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