
Chia Seed Berry Parfait with Collagen Powder

December 31, 2021  Sarah Lam Avatar
Chia Seed Berry Parfait with Collagen Powder


Mason jar
chia seeds 2 tbsps
blended nut milk of choice (cashew, almond, and oat) 1/2 cup
NeoraFit Slim + Fit Collagen Powder 1 sachet
yogurt of choice 1 cup
Berries (or any fresh fruit of choice)
honey 1 tbsp
Optional toppings: granola, flax seed, crushed nuts, dried goji berries


  1. In a bowl, mix chia seeds and collagen powder with milk. Wait a few minutes for the chia pudding to settle and mix again. Make sure that there are no clumps.
  2. Cover and place in the fridge for at least two hours. 
  3. When serving, scoop chia seed pudding into a mason jar and fill to a third.
  4. Add fresh fruit of choice on top of chia seed pudding.
  5. Layer yogurt of choice on top of fruit.
  6. Add any additional toppings on top of fruit and then drizzle with honey.

Note: depending on how you like the consistency, add more/less milk.




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