
Go Ahead, Make Someone’s Day

February 22, 2019  Neora™ Avatar
Go Ahead, Make Someone’s Day

Go Ahead, Make Someone’s Day

Performing everyday #HappyActs create ripples of joy.

by Deborah Heisz

Here’s a quick happy hack for you: If you want more happiness in your life, spread happiness in the lives of others. Simple, right? But as we move through the busyness of our lives, we tend to get short-sighted and narrow-focused on ourselves. Don’t get me wrong, self-care is great, but too much of you and not enough of them, can create an imbalance in own your happiness. This week happens to be Random Acts of Kindness Week. What a perfect time for you to start your journey of #HappyActs.

At the beginning of every year, Live Happy launches a #HappyActs campaign leading up to the International Day of Happiness on March 20. This is our effort to bring awareness to the importance happiness has on our health and well-being. Live Happy, with the help of Happy Activists all over the world, put up Happiness Walls and ask passersby to post messages about how they will share happiness with others. These #HappyActs, small acts of kindness that make a big impact, help make the world a happier place. This act can be as simple as holding the door for the person behind you, buying a cup of coffee for a friend or just giving a nice compliment to someone who needs it.

The more who join the #HappyActs movement, the greater the positive impact we will all have on our communities. Studies have shown that those who experience kind acts are likely to do something kind to others. That’s how happiness spreads.

This year, we have a record-breaking goal of 1,000 Happiness Walls around the world—help us reach that goal! Creating a wall is easy and is an engaging way to bring more happiness to your community, home or children’s school.

To get started, go to to watch a quick video from Live Happy founder Jeff Olson on why you should host a happiness wall and how to get started! To hear more about it, listen to this Live Happy Now podcast with Live Happy marketing manager Britney Chan and editor Chris Libby talking about what the International Day of Happiness is all about and how you can get involved. You’ll learn how you can be part of this year’s celebrations, how to make your own happiness wall and ways to get your community involved in the celebration.

And finally, we encourage everyone to join our Live Happy #HappyActs Wall Hosts Facebook group to find other Happy Activists near you, listen to inspirational wall stories and get great wall ideas.

If you have any questions about #HappyActs and hosting a Happiness Wall, email

One Comment

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    Laurene Lopez 6 years ago

    I am so please that my employer is letting me have 2 walls on March 20!

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