Celebrate National Philanthropy Day by Making a Difference

Giving Back Creates a Ripple Effect of Positive Change
There are many benefits to giving back and participating in philanthropic activities. Donating to charitable organizations and volunteering your time creates a ripple effect of goodness that permeates throughout, making the world a kinder, happier place for everyone. At Neora, one of our core beliefs is to Make People Better™ so they can be agents of change. National Philanthropy Day is November 15, and we encourage everyone to recognize the good that comes from giving and find ways to be more generous.
In addition to all of the good giving back brings to others, don’t discount what the gift of being charitable brings to your soul. According to research, it really doesn’t matter how much you give or how much time you spend, deliberately choosing to give can make you happier. There are a few reasons for this. Giving back adds purpose and meaning to your life, which is good for your well-being. Giving also fosters more social connection within our communities, which is another contributor to happiness.
Here are a few ways you can celebrate National Philanthropy Day:
Give your time. Many charitable organizations desperately need volunteers, especially around the holidays. You can help clean at an animal shelter, serve hot meals to the homeless or mentor a young person. They are plenty of online resources that can match the right cause to your interests, which can make your experience much more meaningful. We know that the current pandemic may make in-person volunteering difficult, so be sure to follow CDC social distancing guidelines or find opportunities to volunteer virtually.
Give your money. Americans donate billions to charitable organizations every year and the United States ranks as one of the most giving countries in the world, according to the World Giving Index. But a recent Gallup poll shows that giving in 2020 is down to its lowest point in years with 73% reporting of giving to charity this year. This statistic is understandable, given impact the coronavirus has had on the economy. But, without donations charities cannot serve the very people that need help the most. As we head into this season of giving and more Americans find themselves looking for assistance, making a monetary donation to your favorite charitable organization may be the most important act of kindness you can do this year.
Give your wisdom. MJ Ryan, author of Radical Generosity, writes that “giving is the mother of kindness. Our desire to give help, comfort, support, or appreciation is often why we do kind things.” When we extend those kindnesses to others, those good feelings incentivize us to continue to be generous and the world becomes a nicer place. One way to ensure that our giving legacy lives on is to pass our philanthropic traditions to our children, giving them the social and emotional skills of empathy, compassion and kindness.
The power of giving can transform lives. Through the Neora Ripple Foundation, Neora and its Brand Partners have given more than $5 million back to deserving organizations within our communities, such as Big Brothers Big Sisters and World Vision. We believe that individually taking the responsibility to help just one person can inspire them to carry that goodwill forward. If you are interested in becoming more philanthropic, joins us at the Neora Ripple Foundation and help us make people and the world a better place.
I love the spirit of Neora!!! Always Giving back through BBBS, World Vision, I.P.E.N and Live Happy!! The Culture of this company is amazing!!
Best company ever!! thankful for the spirit of giving back !!!