
Power Your Day Protein Pancakes

February 1, 2022  Neora™ Avatar
Power Your Day Protein Pancakes


NeoraFit Protein Powder 2 scoops
Eggs 2
Baking Powder 1 tsp
Water or Almond Milk 6 tbsps

A great way to get the power of protein on a Saturday morning while enjoying the cozy yumminess of pancakes!

Servings: 4-6 small pancakes


  1. Fire up a non-stick skillet on the stove over medium heat and spray it with cooking spray.
  2. Combine protein powder, eggs, and baking powder in a large bowl. Add liquid a little at a time until it feels like pancake batter.
  3. Pour batter into the skillet





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    Laurie Loos 3 years ago

    How many pancakes does this make?

    • Hi Laurie! It depends on how big your pancakes are, but the ingredients can make 4-6 small pancakes.

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    Cheryl Rathbone 3 years ago

    I am really enjoying this new Protein powder and my kids liked the pancakes 🥞! Huge win 🥇 in our house!

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    Kim Tang 3 years ago

    I have always enjoyed pancakes! I feel as if I am cheating by eating these.

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    Fran Ryn 3 years ago

    I will have to try protein pancakes 😋

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