
NeoraFit Berry Beautiful Smoothie

February 1, 2022  Neora™ Avatar
NeoraFit Berry Beautiful Smoothie


NeoraFit Plant-Based Protein Powder 2 scoops
NeoraFit Slim + Skim Collagen Powder 1 sachet
almond milk (use less if you want a thicker smoothie) 1 cup
plain Greek Yogurt 1 tbsp
Ice 1/2 cup
mixed berries (strawberry, blueberry, raspberry) 1/2 cup
honey, agave or any other sweetener of choice, to taste 1-2 tsps

This scrumptious smoothie recipe provides you with protein and a boost of collagen for your hair, skin, and nails, as well as potassium, magnesium, and fiber. Boost your body and your beauty with this delicious and nutritious smoothie.




One Comment

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    Lisa Theoharides 2 years ago

    Perfect to enjoy with your sweetheart!!! Love the added metabolism boost from this 13 type collagen blend!

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