
5 HIIT Moves in 5 Minutes featuring Maxie Haase

January 4, 2022  Maxie Haase Avatar
5 HIIT Moves in 5 Minutes featuring Maxie Haase

5 HIIT Moves in 5 Minutes with Maxie (Neora Ambassador Maxie Haase)

Fight the fat in only 5 minutes with 5 of Maxie’s HIIT moves. High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is the perfect solution for when you want to burn fat but don’t have a lot of time. HIIT, if you haven’t heard about it by now, features short bursts of high intensity aerobic work with short periods of rest, and is a powerful tool for losing body fat. So try Maxie’s moves to torch some calories and bust through some fat.


One Comment

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    Lisa Theoharides 3 years ago

    Love this!! Saving this video and it is an awesome energizer first thing in the am too!! 1 round just 5 min to energize your day!!

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